Gracie FerlugeAge 8
Two months after Gracie’s 5th birthday, she was diagnosed with Stage 4, High Risk Neuroblastoma. It was August of 2020. She had been ill for several months and receiving this diagnosis for our daughter was devastating. |
Charlotte O'BrienAge 8
This is Charlotte O’Brien. She is 8 years old and has just relapsed for the 3rd time in 3 years with Neuroblastoma. They travel from Arizona to NYC to receive her treatments and scans at MSK. |
LiamAge 3
On April 16, 2020, Liam, a precious angel was born. At eight weeks old, Liam was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, Rhabdomyosarcoma. Two weeks later, we started treatment at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP). |
BasiaAge 5
Basia is a vibrant 5-year-old little girl that was just recently diagnosed with a rare pediatric cancer called Rhabdomysarcoma. As her family navigates this new normal, we want to provide their family with the most support in these early stages. |
Theo NieglosAge 3
Theo is a 3-year-old boy, diagnosed in February 2024 with Atypical Teratoid Rhabdoid Tumor, which is a rare and aggressive form of cancer most commonly found in children under the age of 3. Theo had his first craniotomy just 3 days after diagnosis on March 1st, 2024 where they were able to resect the entire tumor. |
Mickey PicarielloAge 3
Mickey Picariello is a 3-year-old boy who was diagnosed with group 3 medulloblastoma in late January. |